
Invitation to  Worship

Our Love is truly Risen, Alleluia!  Alleluia!


O Holy One,+ open my lips.

~And my mouth will proclaim your praise.


This is the day Adonai has made, alleluia;

~Let us rejoice and be glad, alleluia!


Hymn for Easter Mornings

Christ the Lord is risen today;
Christians, haste your vows to pay;
Offer now your praises meet
At the Paschal Victim’s feet.
For the sheep the Lamb has bled,
Sinless in the sinner’s stead;
“Christ is risen,” today we cry;
Now He lives no more to die.



Christ, the Victim undefiled,
All to God has reconciled;
While in strange and awful strife
Met together Death and Life:
Christians, on this happy day
Haste with joy your vows to pay;
“Christ is risen,” today we cry;
Now He lives no more to die.



Christ, who once for sinners bled,
Now the first born from the dead,
Throned in endless might and power,
Lives and reigns forevermore.
Hail, eternal Hope on high!
Hail, O Lamb of victory!
Hail, O Way to Life, adored!
Help and save us, gracious Lord.
Words: Unknown author (Victimae Paschali); transl.  Tune: St. George Windsor





These remained faithful to teachings of the apostles,

to life in common, to the breaking of bread

 and to the prayers, Alleluia!

Psalm 150

Praise God in the holy place,

praise in the mighty heavens.

Praise God’s powerful deeds

praise the surpassing greatness.


O praise with sound of trumpet,

praise with lute and harp.

Praise with timbrel and dance,

praise with strings and pipes.


O praise with resounding cymbals,

praise with clashing of cymbals.

Let everything that lives and that breathes

give praise to Adonai!

These remained faithful to teaching of the apostles,

to life in common, to the breaking of bread

 and to the prayers, Alleluia!


READING   Acts 13: 30-33

God raised Jesus from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who had accompanied him from Galilee to Jerusalem: and it is these same companions of his who are now his witnesses before our people. We have come here to tell you the Good News. It was to our ancestors that God made the promise but it is to us, their children, that God has fulfilled it, by raising Jesus from the dead. As scripture says in the second psalm: You are my son: today I have begotten you.



R.  God has ransomed this people and has redeemed them, *Alleluia, Alleluia!
V. They shall come and sing aloud on the heights of Zion, and they shall be radiant over the goodness of Adonai.  *Alleluia, Alleluia!
V.  Glory to the Abba and the Word and the Holy Breath of Love.


Canticle of Zachariah


It was not Moses who gave them bread from heaven;

The One who gives true Bread from heaven is my Abba,   Alleluia!

Blessed + be Adonai, the God of Israel,

Who visits this people to set us free

Raising for us a sign of salvation

In the house and family of David.


God promised throughout past ages

In words of holy prophets

To save us from our enemies,

And from the control of our oppressors.


Adonai favored our ancestors

And remembered the sacred covenant.

The pledge to Abraham and Sarah

Is now renewed for us;


That freed from the grip of our foes

We might worship without fear

And be both just and holy

For the rest of our days.


And you, child, called “prophet of the Most High,”

Will go ahead to prepare the way,

By teaching this people of salvation

Through forgiveness of their sins.


For the loving compassion of the Holy One

As the Rising Sun will shine upon us

To illumine the darkness and dispel death’s shadow

To guide our feet on the way of peace.


Glory to the ONE and to the WORD

And to the BREATH of Love!

As always before,

so now and evermore.  Amen

It was not Moses who gave them bread from heaven;

The One who gives true Bread from heaven is my Abba,   Alleluia!





Litany of Intercession

Christ our Savior, when you rose again you brought to the holy women and the apostles the joyful news of a world redeemed,
 – make us witnesses to your risen life.


You promised to all people that we would rise up again to newness of life,
 – make us heralds of your Gospel.


You showed yourself to your apostles and breathed the Holy Spirit on them,
 – renew in us the presence of the same Holy Spirit.


You promised to be with your disciples to the end of the world,
  – be with us today, and remain with us always. 



Prayer of Jesus

Our Father…


Closing Prayer

We bless and thank you, O Gracious God, for all that you have done in raising Jesus from the dead. You have conquered the power of death and opened to us a way to experience the freedom, flourishing and fullness of life which your love offers to us and all of your creation.  May the Risen Christ breathe into our hearts, minds and souls, and open our eyes that we may know him in the breaking and sharing of bread and follow him in his risen life now and forever.   ~ Amen


May the God of Peace who raised Jesus from the dead

+ bless us and grant us peace.



Let us bless Adonai, Alleluia, Alleluia!.

~Thanks be to God, Alleluia, Alleluia!