St. Patrick


Service of Light


 We light the Evening Candle and say or sing:

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One;

~Have mercy on us.


Light and Peace in Jesus Christ our Lord!

~Thanks be to God!



EVENING HYMN by St. Patrick

Christ be beside me, Christ be before me,
Christ be behind me, King of my heart,
Christ be within me, Christ be below me,
Christ be above me, never to part.


Christ on my right hand, Christ on my left hand,
Christ  all around me, shield in the strife.
Christ in my sleeping, Christ in my sitting,
Christ in my rising, light of my life.


Christ be in all hearts thinking about me.
Christ be in all tongues telling of me.
Christ be the vision in eyes that see me,
in ears that hear me, Christ ever be.





Let us walk while we have the light

that the darkness may not overcome us.

Psalm 26/27a

Adonai is my light and my help,

whom should  I fear?

Adonai is the stronghold  of my life,

before whom should I tremble?


When the violent draw near

to eat me alive,

the mob eager to kill

will stumble and collapse.


Should battalions lay siege around me

my heart would not fear;

should war break out against me,

even then would I trust.


There is one thing I ask of Adonai,

this one thing do  I seek:

to live in the house of God

every day of my life,

caught up in God’s splendor and beauty–

at prayer in the temple.


Adonai will hide me there,

hide my life from  attack:

a sheltering tent around me,

a firm rock below.


I am now beyond the reach

of those who lay siege around me.

and I will offer a sacrifice of joy;

I will play and sing praise to God.


Glory to the ONE and to the WORD

 And to the BREATH of Love;

as always before,

so now and evermore. Amen.

Let us walk while we have the light

that the darkness may not overcome us.


Reading   Daniel 9: 4b-5;

Adonai, great and awesome God, you keep your merciful covenant toward those who love you and observe your commandments!
We have sinned, been wicked and done evil;
we have rebelled and departed from your commandments and your laws.

But yours, O Adonai Elohim, are compassion and forgiveness!



R. God of mercy and compassion, slow to anger, Adonai, *turn and take pity on us.

V. Forgive our faults and sins, and keep us as your heritage. *turn and take pity on us.

V. Glory to the ONE, to the WORD, and to the Holy BREATH of Life.

Gospel Canticle of Mary


Be compassionate as your Abba is compassionate: do not judge and you will not be judged; lend without hope of return, give and there will be many gifts for you.

It is customary to make the sign of the cross at the beginning of the Gospel Canticle.

My heart + is radiant with the Lord,

My whole being delights in God my Savior.


All people now will call me blessed

For God has loved this humble handmaid.

The Almighty has shown me great favor

Holy is the NAME,


Whose mercy embraces the faithful,

From one generation to the next.

The mighty arm of God,

Scatters the proud in their own conceit,


Pulls tyrants from their thrones

While lifting up the lowly:

Fills the famished with bounty,

And reveals the emptiness of riches.


Rescues lowly Israel,

Sharing such loving kindness,

As promised to our ancestors

To Abraham and Sarah, and their descendants forever.


Glory to the ONE and to  WORD

And to the BREATH of Love!

As always before,

so now and evermore.  Amen


Be compassionate as your Abba is compassionate: do not judge and you will not be judged; lend without hope of return, give and there will be many gifts for you.

Service of Prayer

Litany of Intercession

From his earliest youth, St. Patrick loved the Cross and invoked its power to bring healing to those who were ill with water or honey; ~may we who claim the Cross of Jesus be a healing presence to those we meet today.


Captured, sold, and enslaved to herd swine, Patrick kept his heart, mind and eyes open for what would lead him to freedom; ~may we be on the watch this Lent for what frees us from greed, self-righteousness and self-pity.


Eager to learn all that he could about the Gospel, Patrick entrusted himself to the best teachers of the day ~may we listen for the truth from all sources of wisdom.


Patrick preached the Gospel and used the gifts of mother Earth to help others experience the mystery of God present in all things ~may we awaken this Spring to the presence of God in everything that lives and grows and shares the beauty of creation.


Prayer of Jesus

Our Father …


Prayer  by St. Patrick

May the Strength of God guide us. May the Power of God preserve us. May the Wisdom of God instruct us. May the Hand of God protect us. May the Way of God direct us. May the Shield of God defend us. May the Angels of God guard us.

May Christ be with us!
May Christ be before us!
May Christ be in us,
Christ be over all!



May Your Grace, + O Lord, always be ours,
~This day, O Lord, and forevermore. Amen.

Let us bless Adonai!    ~And give thanks to God.




Those who wish may end evening prayer with the Marian Antiphon. 

Queen of the heavens we greet you, Queen of Angels now we entreat you,

Fairest flower, heaven’s portal From whom came the Light immortal.

Matchless maiden, God did raise you For the Universe to praise you.

Hear us, O hear us, dear Mother; Show your children Jesus, our brother.


Pray for us, O Gracious Queen of the Universe.

~ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Let us pray.  O Gracious God, grant to your people lasting health of mind and body. Send us your assistance in times of temptation.  May we who celebrate the memory of the Holy Mother of God, rise from our sins by the help  of her intercession.  We ask this through Christ our Love.  Amen.




Be thou my vision, O Love of my heart;

Naught is all else to me save that thou art.

Thou my best thought by day and by night;

Waking or sleeping Thy presence my Light.


Be thou my wisdom, Thou my true Word;

I ever with Thee, –Thou with me Lord.

Thou my Great Abba, I Thy dear one;

Thou in me dwelling, I with thee one.


Be thou my battle shield, sword  for the fight.

Be thou my dignity, Thou my delight.

Thou my soul’s shelter, Thou my high tow’r;

Great Light of Heaven, my treasure thou art.


Heart of my own heart whatever befall,

Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

Be Thou my vision, O Love of my heart.

Naught is all else to me save that Thou art.  Amen

Text: Rob tu mo bhoile, a Comdi cride (Ireland, 8th cent.)