Monthly Archives: January 2025

Epiphany Tuesday

                                                                                                    Adoration of the Magi  by Edward Burne-Jones (1904)

 Ante luciferum genitus, et ante saecula, Dominus
Salvator noster hodie mundo apparuit.

(First Antiphon for Epiphany)

Service of Light


 We light 
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Epiphany Monday


 Stella ista sicut flamma coruscat et Regem regum Deum demonstrat;

Magi eam vidererunt et Magno Regi munera obtulerunt.

(Fifth Antiphon for Epiphany)

Service of Light


 We light the Christmas/Epiphany Candles 
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Epiphany Evening Prayer II

Adoration of the Magi

Ecce advenit Dominator Dominus:

et regnum in manu eius, et potestas, et imperium.

(Entrance Antiphon Feast of the Epiphany)


Service of Light


 We light the Christmas/Epiphany Candles and say
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