Monthly Archives: January 2025

Epiphany Friday

                                                                                                    Adoration of the Magi  by Edward Burne-Jones (1904)

 Ante luciferum genitus, et ante saecula, Dominus
Salvator noster hodie mundo apparuit.

(First Antiphon for Epiphany)

Service of Light


 We light the 
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Epiphany Thursday

                                                                                                             Journey of the Magi – James Tissot (1895)

 Apertis thesaurus suis obtulerunt Magi Domino
Aurum, Thus, et Myrrham, Alleluia!

(Third Antiphon for Epiphany)

Service of Light


 We light the Christmas/Epiphany
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Epiphany Wednesday

 Venit lumen tuum, Jerusalem,
et gloriam Domini super te orta est,

et ambulant gentes in lumina tuo, Alleluia!

(Second Antiphon for Epiphany)

Service of Light


 We light the Christmas/Epiphany Candles 
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