Monthly Archives: January 2025

Baptism of the Lord Evening Prayer II



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Service of Light


 We light the Epiphany Candles and say or sing:

Light and Peace in Jesus Christ our Lord!

~Thanks be to God!


This is God’s Beloved … Read the rest

Baptism of the Lord Morning Prayer


Audio Player
Invitation to  Worship

Christ, the Beloved Son, in whom the

Abba is well-pleased: Come let us adore Him!

O Holy One,+ open my lips.

~And my mouth will proclaim your praise.Read the rest

Baptism of the Lord Evening Prayer I


Audio Player


Service of Light


 We light the Epiphany Candles and say or sing:

Light and Peace in Jesus Christ our Lord!

~Thanks be to God!


This is God’s Beloved … Read the rest

Epiphany Saturday



Audio Player
Invitation to  Worship

Our God has shone forth great glory, come let us adore, Alleluia!

O Holy One,+ open my lips.

~And my mouth will proclaim your praise.


The … Read the rest

Epiphany Friday

                                                                                                    Adoration of the Magi  by Edward Burne-Jones (1904)

 Ante luciferum genitus, et ante saecula, Dominus
Salvator noster hodie mundo apparuit.

(First Antiphon for Epiphany)

Audio Player

Service of Light


 We light the 
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Epiphany Friday



Audio Player
Invitation to  Worship

Christ, manifest in the flesh, come let us adore him!

O Holy One,+ open my lips.

~And my mouth will proclaim your praise.


The rulers of … Read the rest

Epiphany Thursday

                                                                                                             Journey of the Magi – James Tissot (1895)

 Apertis thesaurus suis obtulerunt Magi Domino
Aurum, Thus, et Myrrham, Alleluia!

(Third Antiphon for Epiphany)

Audio Player

Service of Light


 We light the Christmas/Epiphany
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Epiphany Thursday

Audio Player

Invitation to  Worship

The Lord, manifest today, come let us adore him!

O Holy One,+ open my lips.

~And my mouth will proclaim your praise.


The rulers of Earth will … Read the rest

Epiphany Wednesday

 Venit lumen tuum, Jerusalem,
et gloriam Domini super te orta est,

et ambulant gentes in lumina tuo, Alleluia!

(Second Antiphon for Epiphany)

Audio Player

Service of Light


 We light the Christmas/Epiphany Candles 
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Epiphany Wednesday

Audio Player

Invitation to  Worship

The Lord, manifest today, come let us adore him!

O Holy One,+ open my lips.

~And my mouth will proclaim your praise.


The rulers of Earth will … Read the rest