Presentation of the Lord, EP II



Service of Light

 We light several Candles and say or sing:

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world!

~The Light no darkness can extinguish!


Stay with us Lord for it is evening,

~And the day is almost over.


Hymn for the Presentation in the Temple

Christ goes up into his holy temple, Mary’s Son to be presented there,

Come to be reclaimed like all the first-born In whose servitude he stoops to share.


Christ was consecrated by his Abba, Sent to love and hear God’s Spirit call;

Now the Christ is offered by his Mother: Destined sacrifice of love of all.


God the living Abba of all nations, With the Word and Holy Breath sing praise;

Through all ages, Israel’s great glory Lights the gentile on our Gods new ways.


Stanbrook Abbey, 1971, alt.  Plainsong Mode VIII



Evening Psalm


O God, we ponder your kindness within your temple.

As your name, O God, so also you praise reaches to the ends of the Earth.

Of justice your right hand is full.


Within your temple we recall your loving kindness.

Psalm 47/48

Adonai is great and worthy to be praised

in the city of our God.

God’s holy mountain rises in beauty,

the joy of all the Earth. Refrain


Mount Sion, true pole of the Earth

the Great One’s city!

God in the midst of its citadels

has proven to be its stronghold. Refrain


Walk through Sion, walk all round it;

count the number of its towers.

Review all its ramparts,

examine all its fortifications. Refrain


That you may tell the next generation

that such is our God,

our God forever and always.

It is Adonai who leads us.  Refrain

Setting: Columba Kelly, OSB & Tobias Colgan, OSB, alt.


O God, we ponder your kindness within your temple.

As your name, O God, so also you praise reaches to the ends of the Earth.

Of justice your right hand is full.

Reading           Isaiah 60: 2-3, 19b

Behold, darkness covers the Earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; But upon you Adonai shines, and over you appears the glory of God.  Nations shall walk by your light, and rulers of the peoples by your shining radiance.


R. Adorn your bridal chamber, Zion, and welcome Christ our Love; Embrace Mary who is the gate of heaven, * for she carries the glorious Sun who brings new light.

V.  She remained a virgin bearing in her hands the Son begotten before the daystar. * for she carries the glorious Sun who brings new light.

V.  Holding him in his arms Simeon proclaimed to the peoples: He is  the Lord of life and death and the Savior of the world! for she carries the glorious Sun who brings new light.


Gospel Antiphon

A Light for the revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your  people Israel.

Canticle of Simeon       Luke 2: 29-32 


Now, Adonai, you can dismiss your  servant in peace

for  my eyes have witnessed your saving deeds;

R.  A Light of revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your  people Israel.


With my own eyes I have see the salvation

which you have prepared in the sight of every people:

R. A Light of revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your  people Israel.


A light to reveal you to the nations

and the glory of your people Israel.

R. A Light of revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your  people Israel.

Glory to  the ONE and to the WORD

And to the Breath of Love

As always before

so now  and evermore. Amen.

R. A Light of revelation to the nations  and the glory of your people  Israel.


 Service of Prayer

Litany of Intercession


Today, Jesus was presented in the temple.

Let us acknowledge his presence in our world and pray:

~ Let our eyes see your saving power.


Following the Torah and the traditions of Israel, you were presented in the Temple to acknowledge that every life belongs to God–may our observance of this feast and all our traditions express gratitude and reverence for all people and all living things.

~ Let our eyes see your saving power.


Simeon welcomed you in his arms and blessed God for the glory and light that your love was bringing into the world; help us to welcome you in all our sisters and brothers.

~ Let our eyes see your saving power.


Anna, the prophetess, spoke of you to all who were awaiting the redemption of Israel;

help us to proclaim  with our lives your love for all who yearn for the fullness of life.

~ Let our eyes see your saving power.


Destined to be a sign that many would reject and still reject today; show us the way to follow you into the strongholds of injustice, oppression and evil where God’s compassion is  needed most.

~ Let our eyes see your saving power.


Prayer of Jesus

Our Father …


 Closing Prayer & Blessing

O Holy One, Source of Life and Light, after years of prayer and preparation, Simeon and Anna rejoiced at the coming of Jesus into the temple, and acknowledged the glory and light that he was bringing into the world.  As we bless and light candles on this feast, fill us with the joy that comes from letting your Light shine in our hearts and guide our steps into the ways of justice and peace; We ask this in the name of your Word-made-Flesh who lives and loves with You in the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.  Amen.



May the God of light fill us with all peace and joy, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, + we may abound in goodness for all of creation.   ~Amen.


Let us bless Adonai.    ~And give thanks to God.


This is the final night for singing this Marian Antiphon:  Alma Redemptoris Mater.

 Loving Mother of our Savior, holding open heaven’s only hope, Star for steerage in this vastness, rise to help us, save the sinking.  Nature’s greatest  Wonder: you have borne your own true Maker, giving human life to him. Virgin ever, before and after, that Good News from Gabriel, Word of Life for living, tell it now: mercy to all people!


The angel of the Lord brought the message to Mary. ~ And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.


Let us pray.  Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ, your Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may, by his Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of his Resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord.  Amen.