WEEK II Tuesday

winter sunrise

Invitation to Worship

Come, let us sing to Adonai, let us praise the God of all Creation!

We make the Sign of the Cross over our  lips as we begin.

O Holy ONE + open my lips,

~And my mouth will proclaim your praise. 


Awake my soul and sing;

~ With God’s praise I will  wake the dawn.



All may sing or alternate the verses of any Morning Hymn .

Light’s glorious giver, Christ our Lord,

Blest with whose unbeclouded ray,

When night her measured course has run,

Wells forth anew this dawning day.


You are the world’s true morning star—

The lesser orb in distance viewed

Whose clear but unsufficing beam

Foreshows your grace’s plenitude.


Outshining this created sun,

Essential day, essential light,

The inmost reaches of our heart

With love’s great splendor you make bright.


Christ, with your Abba’s glory filled,

Christ, who have fashioned us, and all,

Illumine and preserve us now,

Without whose grace we grope and fall.


We sing your glory and we pray,

That through our day, till eventide,

With us, upon us, in us still

The light of morning may abide.

Text: Lucis Largitor Splendide attributed to St. Hilary; Translated by WALTER SIIEWRING.




Adonai takes delight in this people

and crowns the poor with salvation.

Psalm 149

Sing a new song to Adonai,

sing praise in the assembly of the faithful!

Let Israel rejoice in her Maker,

let the children of Zion exult in their God.

Let us all praise the Holy Name with dancing

and make music with timbrel and harp.


For Adonai takes delight in this people,

And crowns the poor with salvation.

Let the faithful rejoice in their glory,

shout for joy and enjoy the feast.

Let the praise of God be on our lips 

and the sword of truth near at hand,


to teach God’s justice to the nations

revealing the consequences of their actions;

to break the chains of oppression

and unbind its fetters of iron;

to do God’s will on earth as in heaven,

the joy and honor of all who are faithful.


Glory to the ONE through the WORD

In the BREATH of Love!

As always before, 

so now and evermore.  Amen

Adonai takes delight in this people

and crowns the poor with salvation.


READING     Hebrews 2: 5-10

It was not to angels that God subjected the world to come,
of which we are speaking.

In “subjecting” all things to Jesus,
God left nothing not “subject to him.”
Yet at present we do not see “all things subject to him,”
but we do see Jesus “crowned with glory and honor”
because he suffered death,
he who “for a little while” was made “lower than the angels,”
that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.


Silent Prayer



R. Great beyond all reason is the mystery: *Christ, manifested in the flesh , vindicated in the spirit, seen by the angels.  V. Preached among the nations, believed through the world, glorified in high heaven. *Christ, manifested in the flesh , vindicated in the spirit, seen by the angels.  V.  Glory to the Abba…

Canticle of Zachary–  Luke 1:68-79


“Rabbi, where do you live?” “Come and see,” Jesus replied.

So they went and saw where he lived and they stayed with him, Alleluia!

Blessed + be Adonai, the God of Israel,

Who visits this people to set us free

Raising for us a sign of salvation

In the house and family of David.


God promised throughout past ages

In words of holy prophets

To save us from our enemies,

And from the control of our oppressors.


Adonai favored our ancestors

And remembered the sacred covenant.

The pledge to Abraham and Sarah

Is now renewed for us;


That freed from the grip of our foes

We might worship without fear

And be both just and holy 

For the rest of our days.


And you, child, called “prophet of the Most High,”

Will go ahead to prepare the way,

By teaching this people of salvation

Through forgiveness of their sins.


For the loving compassion of the Holy One

As the Rising Sun will shine upon us

To illumine the darkness and dispel death’s shadow

To guide our feet on the way of peace.


Glory to the ONE and to the WORD

and to the BREATH of Love!

As always before, 

so now and evermore.  Amen

“Rabbi, where do you live?” “Come and see,” Jesus replied.

So they went and saw where he lived and they stayed with him, Alleluia!

Intercessory Prayer

Prayer of Jesus

Our Father …


Show us your mercy, Adonai,

~And grant us your salvation.

Clothe your ministers with justice,

~Let your people sing for joy.

Keep this and all nations under your care,

 ~Guide all peoples in justice and truth.

Let your ways be known upon earth,

~Your saving help among all the nations.

Let not the needy be forgotten

~Nor the hope of any be denied.

Create in us clean hearts, O God;

~ And fill us with your Holy Spirit.  


O Holy One, you kindled in Saint Hilary a great love for you and a desire to share the mystery of your Triune Love with the people of his day through hymns, poetry and preaching.  As we remember his life and teachings, open our eyes to see the reflections of your Unity-in-Diversity in all people and all creation.  For you live and reign in the power of love, one God forever and ever.  Amen.


May the God of love fill us with all joy and peace, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we may abound in hope.   ~Amen.


Let us bless Adonai.

Thanks be to God.