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O Oriens, Splendor lucis aeternae, et sol justitiae;
veni et illumina sedentes in tenebris et umbra mortis.
We light all four candles of the Advent wreath, and then say or sing:
Light and Peace in Jesus Christ our Lord!
~Thanks be to God!
Let your face shine on us, O God;
~And we shall be saved.
Creator of the stars of night, O Dawning light of faith for all,
O Christ , you save the universe, Now hear your people when we call.
Compassion moved your loving heart When death assailed all humankind,
You came to save a weary world: The sick to heal, the lost to find.
As this old world sank down towards night, A Groom appeared to start the feast
From Virgin Mother, Bread and Light, New Day, new Life, new Joy increased.
Before your name, O gentle Lord, May every creature bend the knee,
May silent stars and planets praise The One whose love sets all things free.
Be with us Lord, this Advent night, as winter wombs our Earth with snow;
As cold and darkness play their part gestating life from death below.
Antiphon 1
Sound the trumpet in Zion, for the day of Adonai is near.
Behold,God is coming to save us, alleluia, alleluia!
Psalm 71/72a
O God, give our leader right judgment
your justice to those who rule,
that they may judge your people with justice,
and do right for those without power.
May the mountains bear peace for the people;
the hills, bring forth justice.
May the ruler defend the poor
and set all their children free.
In whose days justice shall flourish
and peace till the moon be no more.
May this rule be from sea to sea
from the Great River to the ends of the Earth.
Enemies will stumble and fall,
foes will lick the dust.
The kings of Tarshish and the islands
will bring and offer their riches.
Kings of Sheba, and Seba
will carry their gifts.
All rulers of peoples lie prostrate;
and nations be ready to serve.
Glory to the ONE and to the WORD
And to the BREATH of Love;
as always before,
so now and evermore. Amen.
Sound the trumpet in Zion, for the day of Adonai is near.
Behold, God is coming to save us, alleluia, alleluia!
Antiphon 2
Behold, the Desire of all nations shall come,
and the house of Adonai shall be filled with glory, alleluia!
Psalm 83/84
O Holy One, you have blessed your land
and averted the destruction of Jacob,
You forgave your people’s iniquity
covering all of their shame,
You blessed them and raised up new hope;
Forgiving with merciful love.
Revive us now, God, our Helper!
Refine us with the Fire of your Love!
Restore once again our life,
That all people may rejoice in you!
Show us your Love and Compassion
And grant us your saving help.
I will hear what Adonai has to say,
Speaking with a voice of peace,
Peace for this people and the saints
Who turn their hearts to Love:
New life is drawing near,
Glory is filling the land.
Kindness and faithfulness have embraced;
Righteousness and peace have kissed.
Truth sprouts from the earth,
While justice leans down from heaven.
Adonai will grant what is good,
And Earth will bear her fruit;
Justice will walk ahead
And guide us in the ways of peace.
Glory to the ONE and to the WORD
And to the BREATH of Love;
as always before,
so now and evermore. Amen.
Behold, the Desire of all nations shall come,
and the house of Adonai shall be filled with glory, alleluia!
Antiphon 3
The rugged land will be made a plain; the rough country a broad valley.
Come, O Lord, do not delay, alleluia.
Psalm 129/130
Out of the depths I cry to You!
in your mercy, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleading!
If you recorded our sins,
Adonai, who could survive?
But because you are ready to forgive
we stand here in wonder and awe.
My soul is waiting for Adonai
I trust in God’s word.
My soul is longing for Adonai
more than watchmen for daybreak.
Let the watchman count on daybreak
and all of us count on Adonai!
Because with God there is compassion
And fullness of redemption.
God indeed will redeem us
From all our iniquity.
Glory to the ONE and to the WORD
And to the BREATH of Love;
as always before,
so now and evermore. Amen.
The rugged land will be made a plain; the rough country a broad valley.
Come, O Lord, do not delay, alleluia.
READING _______________________ Isaiah 49: 9-13
Publish it to the ends of the Earth and say: “Adonai has redeemed servant Jacob.” Along the ways they shall find pasture, on every bare height shall their pastures be. They shall not hunger or thirst, nor shall the scorching wind or sun strike them; For the One who pities them leads them and guides them beside springs of water.
Sing out, O heavens, and rejoice, O Earth, break into song, you mountains. For Adonai comforts this people and has compassion on those who are afflicted.
Silent Reflection
R. Go up on a high mountain, joyful messenger to Zion.
* Say to the towns of Judah, “here is your God!”
V. Lift up your voice and shout, lift it up fearlessly.
*Say to the towns of Judah, “here is your God!”
V. Glory to the Abba and the Word and the Holy Breath of Love.

Canticle of Mary _________________ Luke 1:46-55
O Dawning Day, Splendor of eternal light and Sun of Justice;
Come and illumine those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
It is customary to make the sign of the cross at the beginning of the Gospel Canticle.
My heart + is radiant with the Lord,
My whole being delights in God my Savior.
All people now will call me blessed
For God has loved this humble handmaid.
The Almighty has shown me great favor
Holy is the NAME,
Whose mercy embraces the faithful,
From one generation to the next.
The mighty arm of God,
Scatters the proud in their own conceit,
Pulls tyrants from their thrones
While lifting up the lowly:
Fills the famished with bounty,
And reveals the emptiness of riches.
Rescues lowly Israel,
Sharing such loving kindness,
As promised to our ancestors
To Abraham and Sarah, and their descendants forever.
Glory to the ONE through the WORD
In the BREATH of Love!
As always before,
so now and evermore. Amen
O Dawning Day, Splendor of eternal light and Sun of Justice;
Come and illumine those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
We humbly pray to the one who rescues us from the darkness of sin
and in faith we cry out: ~ Come Lord Jesus
Gather together all the people of the Earth and
establish with them your everlasting covenant. ~Come Lord Jesus.
Lamb of God you came of old to take away the sin of the world;
purge us today from our sin and guilt. ~ Come Lord Jesus
You came to recover what was lost; come again in your mercy.
~Come Lord Jesus.
Our faith seeks you out; let us find everlasting joy with you
when you come again. ~Come Lord Jesus.
You taught us to pray…
Our Dear Abba …
Final Prayer and Blessing
Creator and Redeemer of humankind, be with us on this shortest day of the year as our Earth reaches the winter solstice and the Sun begins its journey to the North once again. May Earth’s journey through cold and darkness prepare us to welcome the Dawning Day and Sun of Justice, and share his light and life with a world that dwells in the shadow of death, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
May the One who makes peace rain down from the heights,
+ shower us and all on Earth with freedom and new life.
~ Amen.
Let us bless Adonai. ~Thanks be to God.
Marian Antiphon
Loving Mother of our Savior, holding open heaven’s only hope,
Star for steerage in this vastness, rise to help us, save the sinking.
Nature’s greatest Wonder:
you have borne your own true Maker,
giving human life to him.
Virgin ever, before and after, that Good News from Gabriel,
Word of Life for living, tell it now: mercy to all people!