VI EASTER Rogation Wednesday

The Rogation Days include special prayers for seasonable weather and a bountiful harvest
Invitation to  Worship

  Our Love is truly  risen!  Alleluia! Alleluia!


O Holy One,+ open my lips.

~And my mouth will proclaim your praise.


I will tell of your Name to my people, alleluia;

~I will praise you in the great assembly, alleluia!


Hymn for Rogation Mornings

We plow the fields and scatter

the good seed on the land,

but it is fed and watered

by God’s almighty hand,

who sends the snow in winter,

the warmth to swell the grain,

the breezes and the sunshine,

and soft refreshing rain.


You only are the maker

of all things near and far.

You paint the wayside flower,

you light the evening star.

The wind and waves obey you,

by you the birds are fed;

much more to us, your children,

you give our daily bread.


We thank you, our creator,

for all things bright and good,

the seed-time and the harvest,

our life, our health, our food.

No gifts have we to offer

for all your love imparts,

but what you most would treasure –

our humble, thankful hearts.

   Text: Matthias Claudius, 1782, alt.; Tune: ELLACOMBE





The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete,

whom the Abba will send in my name,

will teach you all things, Alleluia!

Psalm 24/25

O Holy One, make me know your ways,

teach me your paths,

steer me toward your truth and teach me,

for you are my salvation, my constant hope.


For you are good and just,

happy to guide those who miss their way.

You lead those who are humble toward wisdom,

and teach your ways to the poor.


Your ways are loving and sure

for those who love your truth.

For all who revere your word

are guided in every choice.


Then we would live with abundance

and our children would flourish on Earth.

Your friendship is offered to all;

your kindness to every generation.


Glory to the ONE and to the WORD

and to the BREATH of Love.

As always before

so now and evermore. Amen.

The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete,

whom the Abba will send in my name,

will teach you all things, Alleluia!


READING   Romans 6: 8-11

If we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has power over him. As to his death, he died to sin once and for all; as to his life, he lives for God. Consequently, you too must think of yourselves as dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus.



R.  I will not leave you desolate; I will come to you, * alleluia, alleluia!  V. I go away and I will come to you.*alleluia, alleluia!  V.  Glory to the Abba and the Word and the Holy Breath of Love.


Canticle of Zachariah


I still have many things to say to you,

but they would be too much for you now.

But the Spirit of Truth is coming,

to lead you to the fullness of truth, Alleluia!

Blessed + be Adonai, the God of Israel,

Who visits this people to set us free

Raising for us a sign of salvation

In the house and family of David.


God promised throughout past ages

In words of holy prophets

To save us from our enemies,

And from the control of our oppressors.


Adonai favored our ancestors

And remembered the sacred covenant.

The pledge to Abraham and Sarah

Is now renewed for us;


That freed from the grip of our foes

We might worship without fear

And be both just and holy

For the rest of our days.


And you, child, called “prophet of the Most High,”

Will go ahead to prepare the way,

By teaching this people of salvation

Through forgiveness of their sins.


For the loving compassion of the Holy One

As the Rising Sun will shine upon us

To illumine the darkness and dispel death’s shadow

To guide our feet on the way of peace.


Glory to the ONE and to the WORD

And to the BREATH of Love!

As always before,

so now and evermore.  Amen

I still have many things to say to you,

but they would be too much for you now.

But the Spirit of Truth is coming,

to lead you to the fullness of truth, Alleluia!



Litany of Intercession

O Jesus, Our Lover, help us to love you ~and to keep your commandments.


O Jesus, Our Mother, do not leave us orphans ~ come back to dwell in our hearts.


O Jesus, Our Way, show us the path to freedom ~and lead us to abundant life.


O Jesus, Our Truth, open our eyes, our minds and our hearts ~that we may seek and find you.


O Jesus, our Life, send us the Advocate, the Gift of your Abba ~ the Holy Spirit of Truth.



Prayer of Jesus

Our Dear Abba in heaven…


Rogation Days Blessing

Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created, Alleluia!

~And You will renew the face of the earth, Alleluia!


Favor us O God with your blessing, Alleluia;

~And our earth shall yield her fruit, Alleluia!
Let us pray:
In your great compassion, O God of Life and Love, bless all fields, pastures, meadows and gardens and make them fertile with rains in due season.   Fill the whole Earth with your blessing, and fill your people with gratitude for these gifts. Remove all infertility from the soil and remove all  selfishness and greed from us so that  the hungry may be filled with good things, all creatures may flourish, and all creation may sing the glory of your Love both now and forever.  Amen.



May the Risen Christ who is the Way the Truth and the Life, + bless us with peace and guide us to abundant life, Alleluia!  ~Amen, Alleluia!


Let us bless Adonai, Alleluia, Alleluia!  Thanks be to God, Alleluia, Alleluia!