



 We light the EASTER CANDLE and say or sing:

Christ our Light!

~Thanks be to God!


Christ is risen, alleluia!

~He is risen indeed, alleluia!



There in God’s garden stands the Tree of Wisdom,

whose leaves hold forth the healing of  the nations:

Tree of all knowledge, Tree of all compassion, Tree of all beauty.


Its name is Jesus, name that says, “Our Savior!”

There on its branches see the scars of suff’ring;

see where the tendrils of our human selfhood feed on its life-blood.


Thorns not his own are tangled in its foliage;

our greed has starved it, our despite has choked it.

Yet, look! it lives! its grief has not destroyed it nor fire consumed it.


See how its branches reach to us in welcome;

hear what the Voice says, “Come to me, ye weary!

Give me your sickness, give me all your sorrow, I will give blessing.”


This is my ending, this my resurrection;

into your hands, Love, I commit my spirit.

This have I searched for: now I can possess it. This ground is holy.


All heav’n is singing, “Thanks to Christ whose Passion

offers in mercy healing, strength and pardon.

Peoples and nations, take it, take it  freely!” Amen! My Lover!

Text: Imre von Pecselyi Kiraly (1641) tr. Erik Routley (1974) alt. ; Tune:  TREE OF LIFE  K. Lee Scott


Evening Psalmody


Tell it among the nations:

“Our Love has reigned from the Tree, Alleluia!”

Psalm 95/96

Sing a new song to Adonai!

Sing it and bless God’s Name!

Sing it everyone, and everywhere!

Proclaim God’s help every day,

Tell every nation about the triumph!

God’s glory and wonders among the peoples.


A God so great deserves all praise,

and the dread of all other gods,

far too many value their worthless idols

but it was Adonai who made the heavens;

to God belong majesty and power

and splendorous beauty in the temple.


Proclaim Adonai, O families of nations,

Praise the glory of God’s power

Praise the glory of the Holy Name.

Bring gifts to offer in the temple,

worship with reverence and awe,

O Earth, join us in praise.


Tell it among the nations:

“Adonai reigns with justice!

As the firmness of Earth is not swayed,

nothing will sway the justice of God.


Let heaven and Earth be glad,

the  sea and its creatures render praise;

the fields and their animals exult,

the trees and their birds sing for joy,

at the presence of Adonai who comes–

who comes to reign on Earth.


With justice God will set Earth aright;

with truth restore the world to right order!


Glory to the ONE and to the WORD

and to the BREATH of Love.

As always before

so now and evermore. Amen.

Tell it among the nations:

“Our Love has reigned from the Tree, Alleluia!”


READING         Hebrews 12: 1-3

Because we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to usand persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and finisher of faith. For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God.  Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart.


R.  Tell among all nations the glory of Adonai; *alleluia, alleluia! V. Among  all peoples God’s wondrous deeds *alleluia, alleluia!  V.  Glory to the Abba and the Word and the Holy Breath of Love.

Gospel Canticle


 In my Abba’s House there is room for all;

and I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,  Alleluia!

Canticle of Mary

My heart + is radiant with the Lord,

My whole being delights in God my Savior.


All people now will call me blessed

For God has loved this humble handmaid.

The Almighty has shown me great favor

Holy is the NAME,


Whose mercy embraces the faithful,

From one generation to the next.

The mighty arm of God,

Scatters the proud in their own conceit,


Pulls tyrants from their thrones

While lifting up the lowly:

Fills the famished with bounty,

And reveals the emptiness of riches.


Rescues lowly Israel,

Sharing such loving kindness,

As promised to our ancestors

To Abraham and Sarah, and their descendants forever.


Glory to the One and to the Word

And to the Breath of Love

As always before

So now and evermore. Amen

 In my Abba’s House there is room for all;

and I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,  Alleluia!



Litany of Intercession

O Gentle Shepherd, you gave your flesh and blood for the life of the world;

 ~may we use our hearts, minds and bodies to be bread for the world.


O Gentle Shepherd, you revealed yourself to dejected and despondent disciples in the simple-yet-sacred act of breaking-and-sharing bread; ~may we recognize the sacred in every part of our lives and the power of your presence in the sharing of all your gifts that nourish and sustain life.


O Gentle Shepherd, you revealed yourself to Thomas as the Lamb-Who-Had-Been-Slain, and to Saul as the One-Who-Is-Being-Persecuted; ~may we recognize you in all those who  have been wounded by scapegoating, oppression, marginalization, imprisonment, addictions, mental illness, depression and disillusionment.


O Gentle Shepherd, with every appearance you blessed your disciples with deep peace, profound joy, and the end of fear; ~ may our celebration of these great 50 Days of Easter extend these blessings to all our sisters and brothers and all of your beloved creation.


Prayer of Jesus

Our Father…


Closing Prayer

We bless and thank you, O Gracious God, for all that you have done for us in raising Jesus from the dead.  You destroyed the power of death and opened for us the way to freedom, flourishing and fullness of life.  Help us to keep our eyes fixed firmly on Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life that comes from you and brings all things back into the unity and peace of your love both now and forever. Amen.


May the God of Life and Light who raised Jesus from the dead + bless us and our world with light and peace.  ~Amen.


Let us bless Adonai, Alleluia, Alleluia!   ~Thanks be to God, Alleluia, Alleluia!



Those who wish may end evening prayer with the Marian Antiphon for the Easter Season.

O Queen of Heaven, be joyful, alleluia!

For He whom you rejoiced to bear for us, alleluia!

Has arisen, as he promised, alleluia!

Pray now for us to our God, alleluia!


Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia!

For our Love is truly risen, Alleluia!


Let us pray.

Holy, Immortal and Mighty God, you have brought joy to the world by raising Jesus from the dead. By the prayers of Mary his Mother, and of all the myrrh-bearing women,

raise us up with Jesus and bring us to the fullness of life.  We ask this through the same Jesus Christ, our Risen Love.  Amen.